The Statutes

Name and domicile

Under the name “Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich” exists an association in the sense of Art. 60 ff. ZGB with its registered office at Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich c/o VSETH, CAB E27, Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zurich. It is politically and denominationally independent.

Aim and purpose

This association has several goals.

  1. To unite the community of students from the Czech Republic and Slovakia in Zurich. This goal is achieved by organizing social events whose participation does not depend on nationality, religion or gender. Cultural events are organized for everyone to present Czech and Slovak culture.
  2. To provide support to students not only in academic matters. Students can contact the association with any questions or requests for help.
  3. To introduce the Swiss culture and studying in Switzerland to the Czechs and Slovaks. We are happy to help potential students with their applications and in any other way. The association does not pursue commercial purposes and does not seek profit. The organs work on an honorary basis.


The association has the following means at its disposal for the pursuit of its aims:

  • Membership fees
  • Income from own events
  • Subsidies
  • Income from service agreements
  • Donations and contributions of all kinds

Membership fees are set by the General Assembly at the beginning of the academic semester of ETH Zurich. The membership fee can also be 0 CHF/semester and is determined by the General Assembly.


Natural and legal persons who support the purpose of the association and pay the membership fees can become members. and pay the membership fees. Applications for membership are to be addressed to the Board; the Board decides on the admission.

Expiration of membership

Membership expires:

  • for natural persons by resignation, exclusion or death.
  • for legal entities by resignation, exclusion or dissolution of the legal entity.

Resignation and exclusion

A withdrawal from the association is possible at any time. One has to inform the Board about it by email. The full membership fee must be paid for the semester in question.

A member can be expelled at any time because of violation of the statutes or violations against the goals of the association. The decision to exclude a member is made by the Board. This decision is final.

Organs of the Association

The organs of the association are

  1. the General Meeting
  2. the Board of Directors

The General Meeting

The highest body of the Association is the General Assembly. An ordinary General Meeting is held in the first month of the semester (February and September).

Members are invited to the General Meeting in writing at least 10 days in advance, stating the agenda. Invitations sent by e-mail are valid. Proposals to the General Assembly must be submitted in writing to the Board no later than 1 week before the meeting.

The Board of Directors or 1/5 of the members may at any time request the convening of an extraordinary General Meeting, stating the purpose of the meeting. The meeting must take place no later than 2 weeks after receipt of the request.

The General Meeting is the supreme body of the association. It has the following inalienable tasks and competences:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the last General Meeting
  2. Approval of the annual report of the Board
  3. Acceptance of the auditor’s report and approval of the annual financial statement
  4. Discharge of the Board
  5. Election of the President and the other members of the Board of Directors as well as the Auditors.
  6. Determination of the membership fee
  7. Passing resolutions on motions of the Board and the members
  8. Amendment of the statutes, whereby at least 3 members and 2 Board members must be present.
  9. Passing resolutions on the dissolution of the association and the use of the liquidation proceeds.

Any General Meeting duly convened shall constitute a quorum, provided that at least 3 members and 2 members of the Board are present. The members pass resolutions by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairperson has the casting vote. In the event of a tie vote, the President shall not have a quorum. Amendments to the Articles of Association require the approval of a 2/3 majority of those entitled to vote. At least a record of the resolutions passed shall be drawn up.

The Board of Directors

The Board consists of at least 4 persons. The term of office is two semesters (one academic year of ETH). Re-election is possible. In special cases that end the term of office earlier (death or voluntary departure), the individual members will be re-elected. The Executive Board manages the day-to-day business and represents the Association externally. It issues regulations. It can appoint working groups (specialized groups). It can employ or commission persons for the achievement of the association’s goals in return for appropriate compensation. The Board of Directors has all competences which are not assigned by law or according to these statutes to another are not assigned to another body by law or according to these statutes.

The following departments are represented on the Board:

  1. Presidium
  2. at least 3 Board members

Cumulation of offices is possible. The Board of Directors constitutes itself with the exception of the Presidium. The Board meets as often as business requires. Each member of the Board of Directors may request a meeting, stating the reasons. If no member of the Board of Directors requests oral deliberation, resolutions may be passed by circular letter (including e-mail). The Board of Directors is in principle active on an honorary basis and is entitled to reimbursement of its effective expenses.

Authority to sign

The association is bound by the collective signature of at least two members of the Board or the President.


Only the association’s assets are liable for the association’s debts. A personal liability of the members is excluded.

Dissolution of the Association

The dissolution of the association can be decided by a resolution of an ordinary or extraordinary General Meeting and can be dissolved with a majority of 2/3 and 15 people of the members present.

In the case of dissolution of the association, the assets of the association will be donated to a tax-exempt organization which pursues the same or a similar purpose. The distribution of the association’s assets among the members is excluded.

Entry into force

These statutes were adopted at the founding meeting on 27.4.2022 and came into force on that date.

This is an English translation of the official document Die Statuten des Vereins “Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich”. In the case of any discrepancy, the official German version prevails.

last updated on 11 Aug 2022
Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich, c/o VSETH, CAB E27
Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland