Featured image of post Semester Welcome Event (Spring 2025)

Semester Welcome Event (Spring 2025)

Come to the first meeting of the semester at bQm, for a chat and a beer 🥳

 Event date:
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bQm Culture Café & Bar
Zdeněk Šnajdr (zdenek.snajdr@cssz.ch, +41762254840), Max Kellenberger (max.kellenberger@cssz.ch)

Join us for a lively kick-off to the Spring semester 2025 at the bQm bar 🍻, where the Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich will meet up for a beer ⭐. This is a great opportunity for both new and existing students to meet 🤝. We look forward to seeing you there! 🎉

Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich, c/o VSETH, CAB E27
Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland