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Ski Day in Engelberg - Titlis ⛷️

Join us for a day of skiing at the end of the exam season – secure your cheap tickets now!

 Event date:
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Engelberg Titlis
Timon Fopp (timon.fopp@cssz.ch, +41783309888)
Registration form

Join us for a day of skiing in the beautiful Urner Alps! We will ski in the Engelberg - Titlis area.

Estimated price: 101.20 CHF via SBB (Back and Forth Train Ticket + Ski Ticket included)


You need to book the travel yourself, individually. The following options are available (at the time of writing):

From Zurich to Engelberg - Titlis:

From Engelberg - Titlis to Zurich:

with HalbTax even cheaper, without HalbTax 101.20 CHF as mentioned before (price can rise up with time, so book now)

Ski map:

Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich, c/o VSETH, CAB E27
Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland