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Pub Quiz 💡

A night of fun, laughter, and friendly competition on April 3rd at the Oliver Twist Pub!

 Event date:
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Oliver Twist Pub
Zdeněk Šnajdr (zdenek.snajdr@cssz.ch, +41762254840)
Register Here!

🎉 Are you ready for a night of fun, laughter, and friendly competition? Join us on April 3rd for a pub quiz at the Oliver Twist Pub in Zurich! 🍻

💡 Gather your friends and test your knowledge on a wide range of topics, including history, pop culture, sports, and more. So whether you’re a trivia buff or just looking for a fun night out, we hope to see you at the Oliver Twist Pub on April 3rd. Don’t forget to bring your A-game! 🔥

We have two tables booked (for ~14 people in total) from 18.30. The pub quiz starts at 19.30.

Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich, c/o VSETH, CAB E27
Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland