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Meet'n'Dine: Plněné knedlíky uzeným se zelím

Join a cultural dinner with fellow students. We'll be cooking Plněné knedlíky uzeným se zelím, a traditional Czech dish.

 Event date:
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University of Zurich, KOL-K-Küche
Timon Fopp (timon.fopp@cssz.ch, +41783309888), Emma Hubeková (emma.hubekova@cssz.ch, +421 949 776 209), Radim Urban (radim.urban@cssz.ch)
Google form

CSSZ and Meet’n’Dine invite you to a casual dinner with fellow students! Come join us and bring a friend!

We’ll be cooking a traditional Czech dish: Plněné knedlíky uzeným se zelím (Stuffed dumplings with smoked cabbage).

Please sign up in the google form provided above and pay the registration fee so that your sign up is definitive.

The registration fee is 12 CHF for CSSZ members and 15 CHF for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the ingredients and the drinks. Information on how to pay is at the end of the registration form.

About the dish

Plněné knedlíky uzeným se zelím is a traditional Czech dish. It consists of potato dumplings stuffed with smoked meat and served with smoked/cooked cabbage. It is a very popular dish in the Czech Republic / Slovakia and is often served in restaurants and pubs. The dumplings are filled with smoked meat and served on cabbage. The dish is often garnished with parsley and served with a glass of beer.

We reserve the right not to issue refunds due to level of organisational difficulty.

Czech and Slovak Students in Zurich, c/o VSETH, CAB E27
Universitätstrasse 6, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland